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YE "Cultural differences through creative photography"



Aim of the project:

To gather young creative people from all over Europe, who will show the similarities and differences of their cultures through photography


Activities on our youth exchange:

non-formal education, ice-breaking, team building exercises, individual and group activities, work on practical examples in small groups, discussions, thematic art workshops, creative initiatives, alternative photography (photo-batik), body-painting.


Target group:

 young people interested in photography, culture and exploring new things, also youngsters with fewer opportunities. 18-25 age.



100% of accommodation, food costs will be covered of the project period, 70% of travel costs until project venue will be reimbursed.



Hotel: Jermuk Sanatorium N1 Address: Meliq-Adamyan 6, Jermuk, Armenia Web-site:


When: 26th of May-2nd of June, 2014



Upcoming projects

YE "Photo"

May 26-June 2, 2014





Application form



YE "Peace through Art"

June 15-22, 2014





Application form



YE" Peace through Art"



Aim of the project:

to provide a platform for a peace building via intercultural exchange. With this project we would like to raise youth involvement in peace-building and conflict resolution process through art, increase their participation in development of civil society by promoting tolerance, peace, mutual understanding, respect among youth of different cultures.


Activities on our youth exchange:

non-formal education, ice-breaking, team building exercises, individual and group activities, work on practical examples in small groups, discussions, dance and theatre performances, thematic art workshops, creative initiatives.


Target group:

 young dancers, singers, art lovers, youth workers, also young people with fewer opportunities.18-25 age.



100% of accommodation, food costs will be covered of the project period, 70% of travel costs until project venue will be reimbursed.



Hotel: Jermuk Sanatorium N1 Address: Meliq-Adamyan 6, Jermuk, Armenia Web-site:


When: 15-22th of June, 2014



 On 28th of May, 2014



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